Coaching for Love Addiction

Are you dealing with issues or challenges in your relationships that seem to arise no matter who you are with? For instance, do you

  • struggle with love addiction or codependent tendencies?

  • jump from relationship to relationship looking for someone to complete you?

  • worry that your partner will walk away with your heart no matter what you do?

  • constantly try to please your partner—even to the extent of sacrificing your own needs?

  • have trouble communicating, making decisions, or believing in yourself?

  • expect your partner to take care of you physically and emotionally?

  • put your partner on a pedestal, elevating them to unattainable standards?

  • fear being alone so badly that you’ll stay with someone even if it is unhealthy?

  • have trouble giving your partner—or yourself—space to practice self-care?

  • avoid intimate relationships altogether, opting instead to fend for yourself and go at life alone?

The healthiest relationships happen when individuals with a strong sense of self feel supported by and connected to their partner. Unfortunately, we can sometimes slip into unhealthy behavior patterns that make it difficult to make healthy, fulfilling connections.

As a former love addict and codependent myself, I know just how difficult it can be to form and maintain healthy relationships. However, I also know that it is completely possible to love and value yourself so that you are no longer looking for something to fill the emptiness. I will help you stop chasing relationships and finally come to a place of wholeness and contentment.


Many Relationship Problems Stem From Early Emotional Wounds

The term “love addiction” can be confusing because it’s not really love that one becomes addicted to. Healthy love involves each person having a strong sense of self—an innately beneficial quality. What’s addictive is the romantic intensity and euphoria that floods the body with endorphins. That high of being wanted is powerfully addictive—not unlike any other drug. And when the initial passion wears off, people start chasing relationships trying to recapture the high, thinking that it’s just a matter of finding the right one. But the truth is, in a healthy relationship, the sense of being wanted and validated comes from within.

Unfortunately, that lack of wholeness and self-validation often leads to rapid re-partnering after breakups, divorce, or bereavement, which doesn’t give people the necessary time to work on themselves. In fact, many people start forming intimate relationships long before they know who they are or what they want. And given the sheer number of dating apps and opportunities for meaningless hookups, it’s incredibly easy to simply swipe to someone new. As a result, we’ve lost the concept of courtship and rush into sex, cohabitation, and marriage. It’s no wonder modern relationships are so hard!

Thankfully, relationship coaching can help you embrace your self-worth and empower you to cultivate healthy, fulfilling relationships.


Coaching For Love Addiction Can Help You Feel Complete

At the core of love addiction and co-dependence issues is the fact that many people simply never learned or were taught how to love themselves. However, working with a relationship coach can help you discover the love and validation within yourself that you are so tirelessly pursuing outwardly. Our therapeutic relationship offers a powerful “re-parenting” opportunity to heal old emotional wounds and cultivate genuine self-compassion. Together, we can work on setting healthy boundaries, improving your sense of worth, and embracing opportunities for time alone that lead to personal growth.

In a safe and non-judgmental space, I’ll begin by asking you thoughtful, compassionately curious questions, listening deeply for insight as we examine your situation. We’ll explore entrenched thought or behavioral patterns that may be holding you back in ways you aren’t aware of. Then, we’ll develop an action plan for rewriting your story into something that is empowering and representative of who you really are.

Oftentimes in relationships, we elevate the status of our partners or potential mates to a degree that is almost god-like. But I want to teach you how to be in a relationship with an equal partner and help you cultivate the unconditional positive regard for yourself that you are seeking through relationships. I also want to help you draw from the strength of your spiritual foundation—whether it be in the form of a god, nature, your own inner truth, the universe, or whatever you connect to. In doing so, you will always have a source of strength to turn to other than your partner.

Although we may briefly touch on where your initial wounding occurred and how you lost the ability to love yourself, I will focus more on the here and now. To that end, I want to help you develop a healthy relationship with your own person through self-love, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, self-protection, and self-care. We can identify and confront co-occurring addictions or addictive patterns within your relationships that are repeatedly causing issues. I can also help you navigate new relationships by holding you accountable for communicating your own needs and setting boundaries. And if you decide to take time off from dating to work on yourself, I can support you through that challenging process too.

I know the idea of being alone can be unsettling—even terrifying for some individuals. But codependent patterns of thinking and behaving can be transformed into an experience of self-discovery and healing. Coaching teaches you how to be comfortable with yourself and assume responsibility for your thoughts and behaviors. Over time, you gain the self-awareness and skills to communicate your needs, validate your own worth, and engage in healthy, fulfilling relationships.


Perhaps you are considering love addiction coaching but still have some concerns…

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I don’t need to change. I just need my partner to be there for me.

The truth is, if you find yourself in a love-addicted or codependent relationship, both partners need to change if you want to end the predictable and irritatingly familiar challenges. But you can only change one person in the relationship—you. Fortunately, through coaching, you’ll develop the relationship skills and awareness to step out of destructive patterns so that you can become your own source of empowerment and support.

We’ve been like this so long. I’m terrified to try anything new—even coaching.

I have tremendous empathy and compassion for this fear, which is why we’ll begin gently, proceeding at a pace that is always within your window of tolerance. The initial changes I’ll suggest are so small that they are almost imperceptible. But over time, those subtle changes can add up, creating the healthy transformation in yourself and your relationship that you seek.

Every time I try to make a change in my relationship behavior, my partner steps in to sabotage it.

In a healthy relationship, if a person wants to make a change, that decision is usually supported, so the resistance is indicative of the problem at hand. A true partnership is one in which each person can set boundaries, make decisions, and have the courage to ask for space without feeling guilty or fearing an attack. That’s what coaching for love addiction and co-dependence can teach you. While it could throw your partner off at first, the self-compassion and self-care that you will learn to practice will enable you to establish healthier patterns that will benefit you both.

Let Me Help You Repair Your Sense Of Self

If you are ready to awaken new possibilities for happy, healthy relationships, I would be honored to help. Click the button below to schedule a free 60-minute connection call with me to see how coaching for love addiction and co-dependence can restore your sense of wholeness.

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